
Our Sponsors
These are the sponsors that have joined IFFAS 2022, which will take place in Santiago, Chile. You will learn more about them in their stands at CasaPiedra this April 28th, 29th and 30th. You are still on time to become a sponsor of this congress, contact us at iffasmanager@schot.cl






Congress Prices
All money refunds for those already registered who cannot attend will be made until MARCH 28, 2022
Doctors US$1.000
Others US$500
Be part of IFFAS 2022

IFFAS 2022 is glad to inform you that we have opened new limited seats to register for the meeting.
Please complete the registration form and then send it. After completing the registration, follow the instructions to make your payment.

    Contact Us
    Get in touch. Let’s talk about anything you need to be part of the Congress 2022!

    IFFAS 2022 is an event organized and sponsored by SCHOT (Sociedad Chilena de Ortopedia y Traumatología), therefore, any communication will take place through that entity. If you would like to attend IFFAS 2022 or have any questions regarding the event, don’t hesitate to contact us using the information below.

    + (56) 2 2207 2151
    Contact: Lissette Araneda Zuniga, Meeting Manager, iffas2022@schot.cl​
    Evaristo Lillo 78, Oficina 81 Las Condes, Santiago – Chile

    We open at 09:00 – 18:00 on weekdays

    IFFAS 2022 is glad to inform you that we have opened new limited seats to register for the meeting.
    Please complete the registration form and then send it. After completing the registration, follow the instructions to make your payment.

    Logo IFFAS 2022

    ©2021 IFFAS 2020